Our Vision Spreading Good Vibes

Raffie’s Good Vibes is more than just a clothing brand; it’s a movement founded by game changers for game changers. It’s a platform for young individuals who believe in spreading positivity and changing the world through Good Vibes.

Our collection is a canvas for self-expression, celebrating uniqueness and individuality. Crafted with care, each piece embodies our mission: “Let’s create a beautiful world together. Let’s act, not just talk!”

Join the community of Game Changers, be part of the movement to make the world more conscious, kinder, more connected, happier, and more humane.

Share your Game Changing Good Vibes!

Sustainable Fashion

Sustainability isn’t just a buzzword for us; it’s a commitment woven into the very fabric of our clothing. Raffies is dedicated to eco-friendly practices, from sourcing organic materials to ensuring ethical production. Our garments are designed with longevity in mind, reducing waste and promoting a cycle of conscious consumption. By choosing Raffies and by joining the community, you can make a difference and be a Game Changer.

Meet Our Founder Rafi Daniel

Rafi, a 10 year old, is a cheerful, helpful, sweet, and driven boy who, much like his mother, is entrepreneurial and verbally strong.

He wanted to venture into business just like his mom. Seeing his enthusiasm, his mother joined him on an imaginative journey, asking “What if everything was possible? What would you want and why?” Many ideas came to mind, including candy because, as Rafi said, it makes everyone happy. However, it wasn’t candy he settled on but rather a wish to create clothing with a positive message.

This choice was all about good vibes, and through much contemplation, sharing dreams, and giving space to Rafi’s drive, it became increasingly clear why he wanted to be an entrepreneur: he had a message he was eager to share.

His mission is “You belong! Participate, create a beautiful world together, everyone belongs, shine together, and above all, act, don’t just talk!”